Hey long time no speak….sorry I was ssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo busy First of all, a happy 2006 to you all and all the best and all that crap………Here’s a brief run down of the latest news :
First, the Zeke show is available on CD. It’s a rough recording of a performance at Zeke’s Gallery in Montreal dating from May 15, 2005. It’s been a long time coming but I finally got around to make it available. This performance was unplugged with 2 mikes recording the event. If it interests you, you can contact me and I will happily send you a copy for a measly 10 $ plus postage and handling… it features my usual accomplices: Sylvain Auclair, Daniel Grégoire and Stéphane Pelletier. The sound is kind of “bootleg” quality for those of you who are old enough to remember the golden age of bootlegs…. I don’t think I need to add more to that.
Secondly, shooting for my first ever video ( for Bela Lugosi ) was started in december. Hopefully, the thing will be available soon…. keep eyes peeled on that… The video is directed by Ian Morin, check him out on his site www.finalbaton.ca
I just did a quick promo trip to Toronto and Ottawa. It’s about time I show my face over there….I will soon be announcing events for those areas soon.
Also…podcaster extraordinaire Julien Smith features one of my tunes ”A Man Named Kennedy” on his january 23rd podcast. Take a look and listen at www.inoveryourhead.net. Download his shows on your ipod and check it out.
Another podcast is available at
A big thank u to everybody at the Pop Montreal Festival for having me in their fest. It was a ball and I hope to it again …..Also, a tip of the hat to Brian Bordecht and his remains and to Drew Danburry who I shared the stage… Here’s my setlist :
A Man Named Kennedy
Something Solid
The English House
Like A Wave
Sayonara Baby
Bela Lugosi
Shigoto / Wheel This One
More soon..